Distant Reiki Healing

“ Reiki is patience, faith, gratitude, honour and kindness “

 Distant Reiki healing offers you a wonderful chance to experience Reiki healing wherever you are in the country or world.


Receive Reiki Healing Anywhere

The distant healing technique is just as effective as a hands on treatment. The distant Reiki healing modality is perfect for anyone who is not able to make a face to face appointment and where travel may not be possible for any particular reason.

The complete Reiki session will be performed exactly the same as if you were there in person, just using different techniques to send the Reiki energy  to the client across space and time.

The session will include a telephone conversation before the treatment, a Distant Reiki Healing session followed by analysis and feedback either by phone or email.

To find out more about the wonders of Distant Reiki Healing and how it can support you then please contact me for more information

Includes consultation pre-treatment.

£60 - 60mins